
When the news of what has happened between Jac and Dani is revealed, everyone sympathises and shows their support. It all becomes too much for Dani and her head and heart are in pieces.

As Mali’s phone is damaged in an unfortunate accident, there is a real danger that she may not be able to keep in touch with her new online friend. And when Mel discovers Aled’s secret, she becomes excited and is determined to act upon it.

Whilst Mel is busy organising a party-to-remember for Aled, and one or two having the time of their lives there, Dani is far from being in the mood for celebrating. As everyone now knows the truth about her and Jac, the shame and all its problems have landed on her doorstep…literally! Even Britney and Lowri are struggling to forgive her. But at least Arthur is enjoying the drama.

(Picture: S4C)


Wedi’r newyddion am beth ddigwyddodd rhwng Jac a Dani ddod yn gyhoeddus, mae pawb yn cydymdeimlo a dangos eu cefnogaeth iddi. Mae’r cwbl yn ormod i Dani, ac mae’i phen wedi ei chwalu.

Wrth i ddamwain anffodus chwalu ffôn Mali, mae peryg gwirioneddol na fydd hi’n gallu cael gafael yn y sawl sy’n cysylltu â hi, ac wedi iddi hi ddod o hyd i gyfrinach am Aled mae Mel wedi cynhyrfu’n lân. Mae’n bwriadu gweithredu ar y wybodaeth.

Tra bod Mel yn benderfynol o drefnu parti i’w gofio i Aled, ac ambell un yn mynd i hwyliau rhyfeddol yno, mae Dani yn hynod ddi-hwyl.

Gan bod pawb bellach yn gwybod y gwir am hanes Jac a hithau ym mhen draw’r byd; mae’r cywilydd a’r problemau bellach wedi glanio ar stepan ei drws, a hynny’n llythrennol. Mae hyd yn oed Britney a Lowri yn cael trafferth maddau iddi. O leia’ bod Arthur yn cael modd i fyw.

Rownd a Rownd airs Tuesday and Thursday at 8:25 on S4C with catchup on BBC Iplayer and S4C Clic.

By Eastieoaks

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