Roy Cropper’s plight takes a dire turn as he faces a daunting court hearing. With allegations stacking against him, Roy’s future hangs in the balance.

Meanwhile, Daniel Osbourne finds himself in hot water once again as suspicions surrounding Lauren’s disappearance cast a shadow over him. Rob Mallard shares insights into Daniel’s turmoil, stating, “His head is all over the place.”

Adding to the drama, Max’s vendetta against Daniel escalates as he follows him, leading to unforeseen consequences. Mallard reflects on Daniel’s predicament, “Daniel goes into situations sometimes without actually thinking it through.”

In a surprising twist, the return of Nicky, portrayed by Kimberly Hart-Simpson, adds fuel to the fire. Mallard expresses his excitement about Hart-Simpson’s return, highlighting the camaraderie on set.

As Daniel seeks support from Bethany, played by Lucy Fallon, their relationship faces new challenges. Mallard speculates on the impact of Nicky’s return, hinting at potential complications in Daniel and Bethany’s dynamic.

“Nicky was almost like a coping strategy for Daniel to deal with the fact that Bethany had gone as well as Sinead.”

Nicky is back ITV
But their interaction spotted by Max and Bobby ITV

“I do think Daniel has a right to be suspicious of Max, after all Max has made some serious attempts to ruin Daniel’s life… Obviously this time when Daniel accuses Max of setting him up, Daniel had the wrong end of the stick but that’s because he doesn’t even consider for a second that it could be someone else trying to blame him.”

Coronation Street airs these scenes from Monday April 15th on ITV1

By Eastieoaks

Soap news Spoilers and reviews

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